Lucina & Associates
“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but no simpler.”
— Albert Einstein
Founded in 2004, Lucina & Associates is a small consulting group
specializing in bespoke software development and system integration, with
Martin Lucina as its principal consultant.
- hypervisors (KVM, Xen, bhyve) and unikernel
technologies (Solo5,
MirageOS, Rump Kernels and
rumprun), hardware virtualization,
Linux containers and software security engineering.
- embedded systems, particularly OpenWRT,
- low-latency messaging middleware, particularly
- distributed systems and solution architecture, with an emphasis on high
scalability and clean designs,
- a deep knowledge of the entire Linux/UNIX/POSIX platform and software stack,
including kernel and systems programming and our
preferred Debian GNU/Linux distribution,
- the full Internet Protocol and Web stack, from raw bytes on the wire up to
JavaScript frameworks,
- system integrator extraordinaire.
More information can be found in my detailed résumé.
I contribute to various Free and Open Source Software projects. These days they
are mostly hosted at GitHub, with some historical
repositories at
I am located in the Bratislava/Vienna area, with the Czech republic, Austria
and Hungary within easy travel distance.
Martin Lucina,
PGP key