hosted by nobody
of Burnt Toad/AK Internet Creations
An Interview with neologic of
- well.. i can tell you a
little about CzERT.. well.. hmm it basically started last
year in Octob from that date, almost every friday we did
one site in *.cz or *.sk... universities, newspapers,
chat servers, government departments, banks
How many people
are in CZert?
- 3 active, all of us are
around 25 (i.e. me, dusheen and seteuid)... others dont
work under the name "cZert"
I noticed you guys
seem to only hack your local domains,
- yes, i dont stick my nose
outside *.sk very much
Are there any laws
against hacking in the Czech Republic & Slovakia?
- hm well, not to the degree as
it is in the US. basically there is no specific
"Computer Law", regular laws apply, for
instance if a server is wiped out.. just like damaging
any private property
I see. Anyone ever
get in any trouble?
- nope, just a few people
kicked out of school
You guys ever hack
anything outside of .cz/.sk?
- yes, I always use servers in
western europe/usa for redirectors, telnet-outs, file
servers, etc. i just dont feel like modifying boring US
web pages :) there are sooo many of them. on the other
hand, there are so few computers linked to internet in
slovakia (11 000) that I can say that after 4 years, I ve
been on quite a fraction of them, all major universities,
all major companies.. heh its easy to be a big fish here,
since the pond is so small :)
So is there any
real reason why you guys do it? did you ever think of yourselfs
as rebels against commercialization of the internet?
- fun.. we get together on
fridays, drink beer or smoke pot, and then hack a stupid
site.. no philosophy behind it
noble enough :) So you guys work together on them?
- more or less... the www hacks
were really simple though
sendmail/nfs type stuff?
- no, since the Net is so small
here, its enough to run a few sniffers on major domains,
and you eventually get logs from a large number of
machines. Wcause for a few of the hackse found a small
stupid bug in linux last year that was also
Which bug was
- it was sent to bugtraq
later... Linux user "nobody" used to be uid
65535 which means "-1", so any suid program run
by user nobody would run as root. combined with httpd
running as "nobody" and the phf script for
instance, you could get root on a remote machine with one
- i think we are quite
different here than "hackers" in th US
- i dont even like the word
"hacker", i puke when I see the silly
wannabe-hackers with ego bigger than New Jersey on #hack
channel... all the media in the US, all the glory...
Yeah, most of them
seem to do it for a reputation.. You guys seem to do it for the
fun of it.
- yes.. + girls :)) we hacked a
local radio station at a party a few weeks ago.. I wanted
to get laid hehe
- yes exactly.. you are well
informed. Ragtime was also a bet.. we bet a barrel of
beer and we drank it last saturday, I just came back from
that session
Who designed the
awesome CZert demon?
- heh I stole that. if you look
at the gif with an editor, there is an address of the
author and copyright info :) cZert means
"devil" in slovak
Oh, I thought it
was just a play on words, "czech cert"
- yes, exactly.. it is a play
on CERT... but if you add "z", it becomes a
My personal
favorite hack is NetLab
- oh yeah, Netlab is fun.. too
bad you can't understand the words. I did netlab because
I got kicked out of their company last summer
I understand bits
and peices of them.. mainly by guessing and limited polish
knowledge :) The pictures describe enough
- i am the first one to admit
though that the HTMl design sucks.. I dont know or care
about HTML :)
- how did you hear about us ? a
yahoo search ? :)
nope. initially
from hack.box.sk. Then I found an archive of hacked websites with
czert in em
- i see. well.. what do you
think ? you probably had a chance to talk to a few
"hackers".. i probably dont fit the profile :)
not at all. most
"hakcers" I've spoken to are usually pretty
egotistical, and hack mainly to get reputations and impress
people. Only a few do it for a cause, and some do it for fun.
- uh, you have quite a few of
hacked sites on your site. i had no idea other people do
quite a few :)
- well.. i heared about the CIA
and DoJ hacks.. but i didnt know somone does this often.
if I wouldnt drink so much, it would probably get boring.
well.. we are planning
---.---.-- for next time. there is a backdoor there
already.. i just dont know how to modify the stupid HTML
stuff - I think we ran out of ideas :)
how long do you
guys usually wait between the time you hack it and the time you
edit it?
- anything between 5 seconds
and 5 months, usually until the nearest friday :)
So why ---.---.--?
any reason?
- oh.. well.. I hacked it for
another reason. I needed a few fast linux machines. we
flooded GSM SMS system from there two weeks ago, sended
around 300 000 messages to GSM mobile phones, and around
150 000 political mails
- i am reading the "Power
Trhough Resistance" interview on your site
well, theres was
more of a post of their manifesto, not an interview.
- i see.. hehe...
"manifesto".. the whole idea of writing a
"manifesto" seems so silly i guess i might be
older than some of the other "hackers"....
ouch. nod... One last question, What's your favorite OS?
- linux ! :) is that the common
response ? :)
among hackers,
yes. I myself am a FreeBSD person. well, for running servers with
anyways. though I do administer two
linux servers
So you have
anything else to say? :)
- well.. i really had nothing
to say at all :) as I said.. there is no
"philosophy" behind it.. just a little weekend
fun :) have phun and stay cool
okay, thanks for
the interview